Keynote Speaker
Prof. Dr. Sonja Wogrin, TU Graz

Prof. Wogrin obtained her Dipl.-Ing in Technical Mathematics from Graz University of Technology in June 2008, followed by a Master of Science in Computation for Design and Optimization from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in October 2008. She further solidified her expertise by completing her PhD at the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) at the Universidad Pontificia Comillasin in Spain in June 2013. Having served as a research associate and associate professor in the Industrial Organization Department, Prof. Wogrin currently leads as the Institute of Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation at TU Graz since August 2021. Her research primarily revolves around decision support systems, optimization, and generation capacity expansion problems.
Dr. Stephan Riezler, STEAG Power GmbH

Dr. Riezler earned his PhD in 1995, focusing on life cycle assessment as controlling instrument in strategic projects. He embarked on his professional journey as a controller at Thyssen Engineering GmbH from 1988 to 1990. Following the completion of his PhD, he served as an area controller at Thyssen Industrie AG until 1997. Dr. Riezler subsequently held various commercial positions at STEAG AG. From 2009 to 2011, he assumed the position of managing director at Evonik Trading GmbH before returning to STEAG AG in 2011. At STEAG GmbH, he initially served as the Head of the Trading and Optimization Back Office and later transitioned to the role of Head of the Front Office at STEAG Power GmbH.
Prof. Dr. George Kariniotakis, MINES ParisTech

Prof. Dr. George Kariniotakis started research in the field of renewable energy integration 34 years ago. He received his Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from Greece in 1990 and 1992 respectively, and his PhD degree from Ecole des Mines de Paris in 1996. He is currently Research Director at Mines Paris – PSL and leading the Renewable Energies and Smart Energy Systems Group at Center PERSEE. He has authored more than 320 scientific publications in journals and conferences. He has been involved as participant or coordinator in more than 55 R&D projects in the fields of renewable energies and smart-grids. Among them, he coordinated 3 major EU projects in the field of wind forecasting and integration (Anemos/FP5,, SafeWind/FP7). Currently he coordinates the Smart4RES/H2020 project on RES forecasting and integration. His scientific interests include forecasting, RES integration, modelling, management and planning of power systems. He is Senior Member IEEE and member of several expert groups like ETIP SNET, EERA JP SG, the National CIRED committee, the Steering Committee of Think SmartGrids and others.